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  • Writer's pictureJason Goudlock

Plea For Clemency

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Date: July 05, 2021 Time: 2:36 p.m. EST Location: Toledo Correctional Institution

The most corrupt parole board in the U.S. just issued a unanimous vote against granting me clemency. The final say, however, is still up to Governor DeWine.

The parole board cited “the nature of my crimes,” and my so-called “deplorable prison record” as their reason for voting against me. The nature of my crimes, however, will never change (which, by the way, were a nature no more severe than any other person’s crimes), because I can’t go back in time. And me having a so-called deplorable record is just as much their fault as it is mine, especially when they ignore the fact that their own members have been busted for filing false criminal charges against me.

Furthermore, I can’t stop getting “refuse to lock” conduct reports — that is, when I’m constantly being threatened by a bunch of coward gang members … Right now, I’m in the hole because I got word that I was about to get stabbed by some hired flunkies! I’d recently exposed the fact that in 2012, I shoved a gang leader who was causing me problems. In turn, the coward tried to have me stabbed, which resulted in me having to “refuse to lock” in a general population cell.

The Ohio Parole Board doesn’t care about my safety, nor my unjust situation. All they care about is keeping me enslaved in their old-law sentencing scheme. Stevie Wonder could see that my situation is unjust, yet nobody in Ohio’s prison system is saying a word about it.

After former warden and parole board member Marc Houk was caught trying to frame me, he was allowed to be a warden again. One of his co-conspirators in the attempted frame job, a correction officer named Michael Jenkins is, amazingly, now the “institution inspector” at the Toledo Correctional Institution, the prison I’m currently in! In spite of Jenkins getting busted, however, he was given an even greater position of authority to abuse!

Marc Houk: Professional Set-up Artist

Today, due to the complicit silence of legislative committees like the Ohio’s Correctional Institution Inspection Committee (CIIC) — I’ve contacted them several times about Jenkins and Marc Houk — corrupt prison systems are being allowed to thrive and oppress confined citizens, as well as the families of confined citizens, many whom are poor people of color.

Correctional Institution Inspection Committee Letter

Unless people speak up, America’s new system of slavery is going to always be around. People can pretend that things are better, but as long as they allow crooked individuals, such as the crooked sellout Michael Jenkins, to be employed in positions of authority, nothing is going to change … ever.


In closing, I ask that everybody reading this please send a letter to Governor DeWine and ask him to grant my application for clemency. As a first-time offender, I’ve now served almost nine years over the maximum new-law sentence. 28 consecutive years is more than enough. John Hinkley served less time for attempting to kill President Ronald Regan. George Floyd’s murderer will serve even less (14 years, are you serious!).

Postscript: Please support the criminal justice reform efforts of Ensuring Parole for Incarcerated Citizens (EPIC)! They’re getting things accomplished on behalf of deserving-of-a-parole old and new-law prisoners. Learn more about EPIC and their legislative efforts at their website here:

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